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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Adoption Cost

Many of you are like me and have wondered why adoption is so expensive... What does all the money go to? So I looked over the paperwork we have been given and broke it down-
1st payment $6,600- Legal fees, adoption education, program fee, admin costs.
2nd payment $13,500-$16,000- Translations, dossier review, country fees(which include foreign attorney and orphan care).
3rd payment $4,000-8,000- Escort fees, visas, plane tickets, lodging
And then there are fingerprinting and readoption cost, home study fees and a few other fees here and there.

As I have been thinking about the big cost of adoption, I have come to a realization. Adoption is costly. It is a difficult road. However, as much as I wish and think adoption should be cheaper- there are a couple of huge positives to the cost. The first positive is that it helps to make sure that people pursuing adoption are in it for the right reasons and that some person with bad intentions is not just trying to get a child to mistreat. The second positive is the walk of faith that the cost makes you take. The cost is so out of the reach of most people. So when we, and others, start on the journey we get to see how God works. If the cost was cheap and the road was easy our walk would not be strengthened and our faith would not be deepened!! So as much as I would love for it to be cheaper or would love for someone to write us a check today for all $30,000- the growth would be missed. The total dependance is on God for HIS provision.
So as I close I ask you to continue to pray for us on this journey. We are mailing in the 1st half of our 1st payment. We are trusting that God will provide the rest of the payment through the fundraisers we have planned this next month. To God be the glory!!

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