Could it be that we are almost done- that we are close to have our 2 kiddos home? Maybe so.
Friday I had the opportunity to chat with our agency. My plan was to discuss plans for our travel to meet our children. Do we take Micah, Jackson and Karis? What time do flights typically arrive in Chicago? How do other families do it? Well, you get the picture.
I asked all my list of questions and was processing the information, when our adoption agent says- by the way, the embassy says your visas are almost done. Great! I am thinking that means if we get them this week then maybe the children will be home in 4 or 5 weeks. WRONG!!! She goes on to tell me that once we have visas, travel could be very quick... like a couple of weeks. I immediately begin to panic(of course I try not to show my panic.)
I begin to panic because I AM A PLANNER!! In case you don't already know that about me and have not picked it up through our blog post- I like to plan. I need to plan. This quicker timeline was not part of MY plan. I still have so many things that we need to take care of and even more that I want to take care of.
Please do not get me wrong. I am super excited. We are so close to having these precious children home in our arms. We are so close to being done with paperwork and fundraising and all that goes with the journey to adoption. However, there is a tiny part of me that feels a bit overwhelmed. For so long this end of this journey has seemed far away and now we could be almost to the end.
We will keep you updated on our time line. But we especially ask now that you pray.
We ask that you pray-
-For God's perfect timing (not Carrie's)
-For our children here and across the globe as they prepare for this huge transition
-For me as I take all this in and as I try to take care of things and prepare for these munchkins. Pray that I will trust in my God and that I will not feel overwhelmed.
-For Dave, that I will not drive him crazy and also for him as he continues to lead our household and church.
-For finances. We hope to have a good idea of this week about how much we still need to complete this adoption. We think we are close, but the flight cost are still a big unknown.
We will update as soon as we hear something. Thank you for following our journey!